?首先,王昱官書記代表學(xué)院全體師生向所有2019級新生表示熱烈的歡迎和最誠摯的祝福。馮曉英副院長對學(xué)院的歷史現(xiàn)狀及未來發(fā)展做了介紹,強調(diào)了學(xué)院旨在培養(yǎng)具有全球化視野和跨文化溝通能力的復(fù)合型、"語言+技能"的應(yīng)用型人才, 并與企業(yè)合作培養(yǎng)綜合素質(zhì)高、服務(wù)意識強、熟練掌握英語語言知識和行業(yè)專業(yè)技能的高級復(fù)合應(yīng)用型人才。?
? ? ? 最后,李鑫院長致辭并講到三點:一,祝福同學(xué)們告別高中時代迎接大學(xué)新時光,要不負(fù)青春韶華,注重師長的指導(dǎo),學(xué)習(xí)人生的哲理;二,提出同學(xué)們要提高自己的知識和眼界,在面對不斷變化的世界,希望同學(xué)們加強對自己專業(yè)素質(zhì)、所學(xué)知識及自身能力的提升;三,代表學(xué)院承諾,各位任教老師在堅持終身學(xué)習(xí)、與時俱進的同時也將毫不保留的對同學(xué)們傳道、授業(yè)、解惑,更希望同學(xué)們奮發(fā)圖強,緊跟時代前進的步伐。隨后馮曉英副院長宣讀了新生導(dǎo)師制,并對同學(xué)們各自的導(dǎo)師一一做了介紹。
? ? ?外國語學(xué)院2019級師生見面會在同學(xué)們熱烈的掌聲中順利落下帷幕,同學(xué)們從學(xué)院發(fā)展到專業(yè)解讀,全面而又系統(tǒng)的了解了外國語學(xué)院的師資狀況及人才培養(yǎng)目標(biāo),對自己的未來和前途又加深了了解和憧憬,相信在四年的學(xué)習(xí)生活中,同學(xué)們風(fēng)雨兼程,砥礪前行,以身為外國語學(xué)子為榮,以身在銀川能源學(xué)院為傲。
? College is a place full of surprises. To you, coming here and attending college is like taking a new journey. To us teachers, having known you for only three days is already enough for us to say that you look like the kind of students that can make us proud.
? As freshmen, you may find that college life isn"rsquo;t always what you expected. And I understand how getting up early in the morning, memorizing every word by heart and practicing English speaking in public can be so difficult sometimes.
? As teachers, we cannot tell you exactly how high the sky is, but we can help you dig out all of your potentials; we cannot read poems like Tom Hiddleston, but we can teach you every piece of knowledge that we know; we cannot be as handsome as Yiyang Qianxi or as pretty as Dili Reba, but we will always try our best to build a better future for you and be your shelters when times needed.
? And we hope to bring out the best in you; we hope to have you understand what a great treasure you have right now by being so young and energetic; we hope to walk along with you all the way to your success in the future; and most importantly, we hope, that after four years of hard-working, you will finally be the kind of people that you dream to be all the time and never lose lope.